It was afterwards endowed by King' Robert Bruce, by a charter granted by him at Kinkell in 1329, and the twenty-third year of his reign, with the lands of Pets, "in puram et perpetuam eleemosynam pro anima Nigelli de Bruys fratris ...
Sometimes, as in the Middle Ages, a circumstance of which the Malleus Maleficarum most particularly complains, the sorcerers were protected by men of wealth and high estate. This was especially the case in the terrible days ..... The aim and objects of their leaders, Tanchelin, Everwacher, the Jew Manasses, Peter Waldo, Pierre Autier, Peter of Bruys, Arnold of Brescia, and the rest, were exactly those of Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, and their fellows. There were, of course, ...
Tijdens het programma had Frank telefonisch contact met Saskia en Serge, Ronnie Tober, Joke bBruys/b, Willeke Alberti, Claudia Nelson en Edsilia Rombley. Edsilia wist te vertellen dat ze volop bezig is aan een nieuw Nederlandstalig album. b..../b"Dus gingen we het vliegtuig in, met onze djembés langs de honderden stands, gingen zitten in de lobby van een sjiek bhotel/b en toen we speelden begon het vuur te branden." Op de 'Midem' komt Treble in contact met Worldsound management. ...